Nowadays, laptops are valuable assets for individuals as well as for business enterprises. With help of this electronic device, one can carry out its day to day activities by saving a loads of time & with 100% accuracy. With help of laptops, it is so easy to attend conferences for businesses as it is a portable device. But at the same time, you should know, the device is more susceptible to damage requiring laptop repair.
Common Laptop Problems
The following are the five most common laptop problems that leads to the laptop repair Mumbai for easy fixing –
- Broken, Stuck or Not Working Keys
- Laptop showing a black screen
- Internet connection is too slow
- Loud fan sound or heating up of laptop followed by shut down
- Battery does not last longer or Battery not charging
- Broken, Stuck or Not Working Keys
Missing, broken or stuck keys or not working keys problem is very common in laptops. The reason for this issue includes laptop damage, laptop fall from a table, spillage of liquids or food, debris etc. A good laptop repair technician will spray compressed air over the keyboard, so that any liquids or food, debris could be removed from the keyboard surface.

- Laptop showing a black screen
The other common problem that a laptop owner faces is laptop runs but it shows the black screen. Many times, a laptop owner has no clue about this error / problem, but a laptop repair professional can easily fix the issue. He will remove the power cord, battery and then will hold the power button for half a minute or a minute. After this step, he will reattach the power cord, put the battery back in laptop & rebott the device. Finally, the black screen problem of a laptop get resolves in this way.
- Slow internet connection
If your internet connection is slow, a technician from Bombay Computers will perform the following action to your device –
- Reposition the router or changing the channel
- Check for viruses, worms or malware
- Will upgrade or update the Software
- Talk to your internet provider for any network issues in your location
- Loud fan sound or heating up of laptop followed by shut down
Laptop fans usually make loud noise, as dust particles and some foreign particles enters into the fan resulting in fan makes loud noise that creates problem. In this problem, an owner requires laptop repair Mumbai to get rid of it.
- The battery does not last longer or won’t charge
The other common laptop problem is that your battery will not last long or it will not charge even after your battery charger is all right. In many cases, a laptop technician will ask you for battery replacement, as draining of battery is very common.
The above-mentioned easy fixes performed by laptop repair specialist in Mumbai will definitely help repair and fix your laptop device in quick time. If you need any assistance from Bombay Computers, save this mobile number 9773004903, their team will make no delay in